The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

The Real Lord’s Prayer (Page 2)


The Real Lord’s Prayer – John 17:12

John 17:12-13  “While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.” I have pointed out previously that there are actually just two very specific requests…


The Real Lord’s Prayer – John 17:6c

“I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world.  Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word.” John 17:6c In these opening verses of the second section of Jesus’ great prayer, before expressing his desires for his disciples, he gives us…


The Real Lord’s Prayer – John 17:5

“And now, Father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.” We have seen what glorify means;  it means to pour and heap honour and praise.  So Jesus is praying that the Father would pour and heap honour and praise on him.  Now were that…


The Real Lord’s Prayer – John 17:4

In our last study we spent some time considering and weighing up the meaning and significance of the word glory that is, in so many ways, at the heart of much of this prayer. That’s certainly true as we move into verse 4 and then 5. “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work…


The Real Lord’s Prayer (4)

John 17: The Real Lord’s Prayer (4) In this post, I had fully intended to take verses 4 and 5 together and so end this first section of this prayer.  But as I got into the text and reflected on it, I felt we needed to continue to go at a slow pace and dwell…