The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Scottish Church History

Zenana Missions: Reaching the Unreached Women

Of his latest article about Scottish missionaries, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “This week we look at the remarkable work that was pioneered by Scottish missionaries to reach women in Muslim and Hindu cultures. Male missionaries were forbidden to reach these women, so God raised up an army of women to do it.“ Millions of women…

Minnie Watson, the Forgotten Heroine of Kenya

Of his latest article about Scottish missionaries, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “This week’s article is about a remarkably courageous Scottish woman called Minnie Watson. Most people have never heard about her, but her story deserves to be told.“ Sometimes in history significant people remain hidden in the shadows of a more popular personality. Such was the…

Mary Slessor (1848-1915): “White Queen of the Calabar”

Of his latest article about Scottish missionaries, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “Usually I write shorter articles of about 600-700 words, but I just could not do justice to Mary Slessor, the missionary who went to Nigeria, with so few words. This time, I’m guilty of writing over 2,000 words! I hope you don’t mind.…

Alexander MacKay of Uganda, “The White Man of Work”

Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “This week’s article is about Alexander MacKay, the missionary to Uganda. Despite dying of malaria at age 40, he left an enormous legacy there. His story is one of gritty determination, God’s grace, suffering and breakthrough. May his story inspire us all.” The missionary, overwhelmed with grief, labour and sleeplessness,…

Dr David Livingstone, Missionary Adventurer

Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “This week’s article is about Dr David Livingstone, the famous Scottish missionary. Although very few Africans were converted to Christ through him, his success lay in preparing the way for others to come and plant churches. Even until today he is spoken of with great affection by many Africans.” David…

Lovedale’s Children: Blythswood, Livingstonia and Others

Of his latest post, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes “Last week I wrote about how Scottish Christians pioneered Lovedale as a model for southern Africa. Today, I briefly look at the other mission bases which sprang out of this model, especially Blythswood and Livingstonia.“ Livingstonia College, Jwhyte82 at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia…

Robert Moffat: Pioneering Missionary of the Batswana

Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh, writes, “I’m resuming our articles with a series on Scottish missionaries to Africa in the 19th century. They had a huge impact on this sub-Saharan continent. The first is Robert Moffat from Ormiston, who pioneered so much among the populous Batswana people of southern Africa, and became an inspiration for David…

George Mackay of Taiwan

In his last inspirational and informative article on influential Scots in Church History and Missions for 2024, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh, writes, “It’s about an extraordinary Scottish missionary who pioneered at least 60 churches in Taiwan, a college which became a university and a theological training college, and a hospital, among other things. Wow!” Although…

Dr James Laidlaw Maxwell of Taiwan

In the latest inspirational and informative article on influential Scots in Church History and Missions by Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh, he writes, “This week’s article is about Dr James Laidlaw Maxwell. Although he was a missionary in Taiwan for only seven years, this Scotsman pioneered churches, a Bible-school and a hospital. He is regarded…