The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Paul James-Griffiths

Revd Dr Alexander Duff (1806-1878): Mission to Calcutta, India

Here’s this week’s inspirational delve into the past by Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh.  Paul writes, “This week’s focus is about an extraordinary missionary called Alexander Duff, whose model for higher education had a huge impact on shaping India, and whose work inspired many other missionaries to go and do likewise in many parts of the…

John Mack (1797-1845), Scotland’s First Missionary to India

Here’s this week’s inspirational delve into the past by Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh.  Paul writes, As we continue with our series about Scotland’s missionaries in India, we begin with a Baptist Christian, Revd John Mack. He is largely unknown, being in the shadow of William Carey, but his influence at Serampore was considerable. Image: Serampore…

Pioneering A Christian Worldview

Here’s this week’s inspirational delve into the past by Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh.  Paul writes, “Before I write about individual missionaries who went abroad from Scotland, I must mention about Dr Chalmers, whose sharp mind was mightily used by God for the purpose of shaping a Christian worldview in the evangelical Scottish movement of the…