The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Church History (Page 9)

This Day in HIS-story: November 10

1871 HT: For years, no one had heard from the Scottish missionary explorer, David Livingstone. In l866, he had disappeared into the East African interior, searching for the source of the River Nile. Livingstone’s reports of his earlier explorations in Africa had fascinated multitudes of readers at home. Once asked why he decided to…

Robert Morrison, Pioneer in China

Here is the latest inspirational and informative article on influential Scots in Church History and Missions by Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh. Paul writes, “This week we have moved from India to China in our series of missionaries from Scotland. Today’s article is about Robert Morrison, the Anglo-Scot who first translated the whole Bible into…

This Day in HIS-story: November 5

1605 HT: Diana Severance Have you ever heard anyone say, “He’s just an ordinary guy?” Curiously, the word guy has its roots in a l7th century plot to blow up the British Parliament. Religion and politics were inseparable in early England. When Pope Pius V excommunicated Queen Elizabeth in l570, English Catholics did not like obeying…

This Day in HIS-story: November 4

1836 HT: The One Year Christian History (Kindle Edition) IN 1779 Charles Simeon entered King’s College at Cambridge University as an eager student with no particular allegiance to God. After three days he was appalled to learn that at Cambridge participation in the Lord’s Supper was mandatory. In just three weeks he would have to…

This Day in HIS-story: November 3

1723 HT: Diana Severance, Dan Graves The masterful sermons of what American preacher profoundly influenced Patrick Henry to become a great orator and patriot? What American minister succeeded Jonathan Edwards as President of Princeton University? The answer to both questions is Samuel Davies. Samuel was born on this day, November 3, l723. Evidently, his Baptist mother…

This Day in HIS-story: November 2

  1533 HT: Diana Severance When the apostle Paul escaped Damascus by being lowered over the wall in a basket it was not the last time a Christian evangelist would dramatically flee from persecution. On this day, November 2, in 1533, John Calvin made a similar thrilling escape from Paris. A devout Catholic, Calvin studied law at the…

This Day in HIS-story: October 29

1863 HT: Dan Graves Swiss-born Henry Dunant needed water rights for a business venture in French-controlled Algeria. The person who could get him those rights was Napoleon III. The only problem was, Napoleon III was on the battlefield in Italy. Dunant did not let that deter him, but set out for Napoleon’s headquarters at Solferino…

This Day in HIS-story: October 28

1787 HT: Christianity History Institute William Wilberforce is remembered as a vocal opponent of the slave trade, who worked tirelessly in the British parliament to end the trade. He also championed many good causes and spearheaded reform movements in England and elsewhere. He was twenty-seven years old when he recognized the desperate need to become that…