The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Church History (Page 15)

This Day in HIS-story: June 28

HT: Christian History Institute In 1900, rising anti-Western feeling in China led to the Boxer (Thunder-fist) massacre of westerners, many of them Christian missionaries. Hard hit was Taiyuan in the Shanxi province of northern China, where many Chinese Christians and at least forty-five foreign missionaries were executed in July. Among them was Dr. Arnold E.…

This Day in HIS-story: June 22

1836 HT: Christian History Institute Alexander Duff was a Scotsman who became a missionary educator in Calcutta, India, serving there for much of the nineteenth century. He set up his first school under a banyan tree and within two years had over a thousand students. However, he saw few conversions. Nonetheless, his educational methods inspired reform…

This Day in HIS-story: June 20

1776 HT: Christian History Institute John Newton was a slaver when he became a Christian. Some years after leaving the slave trade, he became a staunch anti-slavery man, a Minister in the Church of England, and the author of the hymn “Amazing Grace.” He also counseled people by letter. On this day, 20 June, 1776, he wrote…

C H Spurgeon – The Busy Pastor

On the anniversary of the birth of the Prince of Preachers in 1834, I’ll post a couple of great articles by others about this great man. HT: Geoff Chang C. H. Spurgeon, maybe more than any pastor, knew how busy pastoral ministry can be. In addition to preaching four times a week, he led his…

This Day in HIS-story: June 19

1745 David Brainerd commences his influential journal when he begins to preach to the Indians at Crossweeksung (in New Jersey). 1787 Death in Haddington of John Brown, a Scottish pastor, author of the Self-Interpreting Bible—a Bible with many marginal notes and comparison of one Scripture to another. He had been a pastor who instructed his…

Charles Spurgeon

On the anniversary of the birth of the Prince of Preachers in 1834, I’ll post a couple of great articles by others about this great man. HT: Philip Ort Who is Charles Haddon Spurgeon? Known as the “Prince of Preachers,” this Victorian, Calvinistic, Baptist minister testified as a powerful gospel witness in his time, but…

This Day in HIS-story: June 17

1789 HT: Dan Graves THE HONOR of evangelizing New England for the Methodists belongs to Jesse Lee. Charles Wesley preached in New England in 1736, before the Methodist movement could fairly be said to have gotten off the ground. During the next fifty years, a few other Methodists ventured into New England. None planted churches…

“Men tell us that our preaching should be positive and not negative, that we can preach the truth without attacking error”. 

HT: Christian History Institute J. Gresham Machen was a Presbyterian theologian who felt his church was abandoning Bible truth. He became a controversialist and eventually a leading voice in a breakaway denomination. In a lecture delivered in London on this day June 17, 1932, he defended his engagement in controversies and arguments over faith. Quote “Men tell us…