The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Church History

This Day in HIS-story: March 1

1534 HT: Dan Graves William Farel was a fiery Reformation evangelist in Western Switzerland. Born in France in 1489, he converted to Protestant beliefs in part through the teaching of Jacques Lefèvre d’ Étaples, a French philosopher and Biblical scholar. Without formal ordination, Farel immediately began to preach the gospel zealously in Paris and throughout…

Zenana Missions: Reaching the Unreached Women

Of his latest article about Scottish missionaries, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “This week we look at the remarkable work that was pioneered by Scottish missionaries to reach women in Muslim and Hindu cultures. Male missionaries were forbidden to reach these women, so God raised up an army of women to do it.“ Millions of women…

Minnie Watson, the Forgotten Heroine of Kenya

Of his latest article about Scottish missionaries, Paul James-Griffiths of Christian Heritage Edinburgh writes, “This week’s article is about a remarkably courageous Scottish woman called Minnie Watson. Most people have never heard about her, but her story deserves to be told.“ Sometimes in history significant people remain hidden in the shadows of a more popular personality. Such was the…

This Day in HIS-story: February 18

1678 HT: Dan Graves Next to the Bible, John Bunyan’s allegory of a pilgrim toiling toward the Celestial City is the best-selling Christian book ever written. Like the King James Bible, Pilgrim’s Progress gave the English language many phrases. “Vanity Fair,” for example, became the title of William Makepeace Thackeray’s best-known novel and of a British magazine.…