The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Bible People

The Letters of John

Most Christians are probably familiar with John’s Gospel and his Revelation but probably less so with his three letters which come almost at the end of our New Testament. Yet these three short letters have so much with which to instruct and guide us today. Each term we try and run one module that is…

It’s Great to be Back!

I’m delighted to be back on Merseyside and very much looking forward to presenting my Bible in a Day seminar at Dovecot Evangelical Church tomorrow and then ministering to the saints there on the Lord’s Day. We are really encouraged by the numbers signed up for tomorrow but can always squeeze a few more in…

Paul in Arabia

In Galatians 1:17, and only in this verse, Paul tells us that he “went away into Arabia”.  It’s an enigmatically brief reference and raises a number of questions; such as when did this happen, what does he mean by Arabia, what was he doing in Arabia and how long was he there for? It’s putting…