The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Bible Chronology

Genesis Lifespans

It’s an interesting exercise to put the lifespans and the main characters in Genesis 1-11 side by side, based on the genealogical information we have in chapters 5 and 11 and elsewhere. Note that: One of the significant implications of this is that, with Babel being just 100 years after the flood, and with Noah…

Genesis 5: The First Biblical Genealogy

Genesis 5 brings us the first of numerous genealogical lists in the Bible and it’s worth taking a few moments to consider it. 5:1-2 The opening, introductory verses contain an expression, with a slight variation in this case, frequently found in Genesis. It is one of the 10 incidences of the “toledoth formula”, from the…

Bible Genealogies

Unlike most people I have come across, I am someone who finds the genealogies of the Bible utterly fascinating. One of my main leisure pursuits, for many years, has been family history research and, building on a great deal of careful work done my mother – all without the aid of a computer, it has…