The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

Blog (Page 52)

This Day in HIS-story: June 9

597 Death of Columba of Iona, influential Irish missionary to England. He had founded several monasteries which served as centers of faith and learning. 1790 HT: Dan Graves Robert Robinson, born September 27th, 1735, and died June 9th, 1790, was an English Dissident, prominent Baptist, and thinker who made a lifelong examination of the history…

Who Was the ‘Black Spurgeon’?

HT: KELVIN WASHINGTON I was five years into my study of the African American theological tradition, nearly finished with my dissertation, when I first learned about the man affectionately known as the “Black Spurgeon.” Though he isn’t well known today, he was one of his generation’s greatest preachers and his story testifies to God’s faithfulness.…

This Day in HIS-story: June 7

1891 HT: Dan Graves Charles Haddon Spurgeon, “Prince of Preachers,” preached his last sermon at the Tabernacle in London on this day, June 7, 1891. Years before, his ministry had almost come to an early end. His congregation had grown so large they had to erect this special building to accommodate the crowds who came to hear him.…

What is the problem with preachers today?

A couple of months ago I wrote An open letter to the leadership of churches training men for pastoral ministry which is also being published in Evangelical Times next month. I raised my concern about the unrealistic preparation that many young preachers are getting and the lack of passion for preaching itself. I have been…