The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

A Calamity for the Kongis

Our prayer supporters will be very familiar with our good friends, John and Veronica Kongi and their family who live in Kampala, Uganda.   John is an extraordinary and godly spiritual leader and we have worked closely over many years.

At 1.00am this morning, disaster struck their home in Kampala as local floods broke through their door leaving rooms filled with water and mud.   Furniture, documents and computers were destroyed and many personal possessions, including their clothes, utterly ruined.   These good folk, as I often say, live on fresh air and have no insurance, so this is a devastating blow for them and they are, as you can imaging, distressed and shocked this morning though, as John says, “By the grace of God we are all safe and sound even my wife and the children are fine we glorify the name of our Lord. Keep us in your prayers as the Lord helps us through this difficult situation.” 

We want to help them financially in any way we can and I hope you don’t mind us reaching out to you to see if you could assist us to assist them. Or maybe you know of, or have access to, some funds that we could apply for on their behalf. 

If you can help with this urgent crisis, our ministry bank details are:

  • Account Name: John Brand
  • Sort Code: 404765
  • Account number: 95347653

and please mark your gift Kongi Family

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10)

Thank you and God bless you and yours richly

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