The online Bible teaching ministry of John Brand

The Reformation

What Happened on Reformation Day?

HT: Robert Rothwell On October 31, much of the culture will be focused on candy and things that go bump in the night. Protestants, however, have something far more significant to celebrate on October 31. It’s Reformation day, which commemorates what was perhaps the greatest move of God’s Spirit since the days of the Apostles.…

What Was the Reformation All About?

HT: Ligonier The Protestant Reformation is a story of transformation—a transformation from hate to love, from slavery to freedom, and from blind faith to a glorious discovery of the truth in Jesus Christ. In this short video, Dr. R.C. Sproul summarizes the main catalyst for the Protestant Reformation and the mission of Ligonier Ministries more…

Today is Reformation Day!

What, I hear you ask, is Reformation Day? It’s a sad comment on the church in UK that so many even have to ask this question, especially given the fact that so many in our country, even professing Christians, indulge themselves in the pagan practices of Halloween. But Reformation Day marks, in the words of Stephen…